Standard 5: Ethics

A principal is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students
by acting with integrity, fairness and in an ethical manner.

5a. Demonstrates ethical and professional behavior.

 Adheres to state and federal mandates.
 Adheres to board policies, district procedures, and contractual obligations.
Annual renewal of Crisis Prevention Institute training for SPED BD programming site
 Adheres to professional standards of behavior.
TLC Administrator/Coach participation
 Treats people fairly and with respect.
Continued work with AEA support personnel to include Challenging Behavior Team
5b. Demonstrates values, beliefs, and attitudes that inspire others to higher levels of performance.
 Portrays a positive attitude about the ability of staff and students to accomplish substantial goals.
 Supports major initiatives.
Bettendorf Foundation Major Saver Fundraiser Limo Lunch
 Communicates and models ideals and beliefs about schooling, teaching, and learning with stakeholders.
5c. Fosters and maintains caring professional relationships with staff.

 Remains aware of personal needs of teachers and staff.
Ongoing support for staff with maternity leave needs
 Is informed about significant personal issues in the lives of teachers and staff.
Supporting new teacher who was experiencing a cancer diagnosis in her family
 Acknowledges significant events in the lives of teachers and staff.
Using Remind101 to keep all staff updated on important personal events
5d. Demonstrates appreciation for and sensitivity to diversity in the school community.

 Stays aware of informal groups and relationships among teachers and staff.
 Models inclusive hiring practices.
New hires must be willing to work in a diverse, inclusive classroom
 Models equity in engaging stakeholders.
The 21CCLC Rock-It Before and After School Program routinely engages stakeholders at the building, family, and community level.
5e. Is respectful of divergent opinions.

 Maintains open and effective methods of communication.
 Encourages minority opinions to be heard.
Listening to all teacher voices regarding Common Core math implementation
Responds appropriately to school issues as they arise.
Addressing chronic absenteeism and parent concerns regarding lice


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