Standard 2: Culture of Learning

A principal is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by advocating, nurturing and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional development.

2a. Provides leadership for assessing, developing and improving climate and culture.

 Facilitates collaborative development of culture and climate goals.
Use of pre-service time to develop PLC plan for math best practices learning with AEA support
 Provides and enforces clear structure, rules, and procedures for teachers, staff, and students.

 Collects data regarding school climate.

 Works with stakeholders in the development of an action plan to accomplish goals.

 Fosters a climate in which every student is well known, respected, and cared for.

2b. Systematically and fairly recognizes and celebrates accomplishments of staff and students.

 Develops a structure that ensures all students and staff earn recognition for work well done.
Google calendar with daily reminder to recognize 8-10 staff members in person, via email, etc.

 Communicates accomplishments of staff and students to district stakeholders.
Recognizing staff on school Facebook
2c. Provides leadership, encouragement, opportunities and structure for staff to continually design more effective teaching and learning experiences for all students.

 Uses observation feedback to assist teachers in the development of effective teaching strategies.
Post-observation feedback to classroom Tier I teacher
 Provides conceptual guidance for teachers regarding effective classroom practice.
2d. Monitors and evaluates the effectiveness of curriculum, instruction and assessment.
 Ensures a high quality system is in place and used for the review of curriculum implementation and instruction in assessment practices
 Facilitates the collection of data related to curriculum, instruction and assessment.
First grade mid-year Reading Recovery screening student pool
 Facilitates the collaborative analysis of data related to curriculum, instruction and assessment.
Use of aMath results to determine Tier II and III intervention needs aligned with grade level Common Core standards
 Ensures that a rigorous academic program is in place at the school.
Coordination of Continental Math League with Alcoa volunteers and United Way
 Ensures that each student is engaged in a rigorous course of study.

 Ensures that the curricular program is aligned with assessment systems.
15-16 academic interventions aligned with FAST and curriculum based measures
 Ensures that the curricular program is aligned across grades and levels of schooling.
Use of math progression documents from Common Core for K-5 PLC discussions
 Ensures that the regular and special programs (special education, English as a second Language, etc. are aligned).
Focus on high expectations and proficiency for all students
2e. Evaluates staff and provides ongoing coaching for improvement.

 Demonstrates an understanding of and applies the Iowa Teaching Standards to evaluation.

 Maximizes district evaluation process to improve staff performance.

 Initiates critical conversations about quality teaching.

2f. Ensures staff members have professional development that directly enhances their performance and improves student learning.

 Allocates resources to provide ongoing, job-embedded professional development.
SINA plan including ongoing staff-wide PD from 95% Group Fall Institute including opportunity to present as a panelist
 Ensures alignment between professional development and improved student learning.

 Exposes teacher and staff to cutting-edge ideas about effective practices.
The importance of teacher knowledge of direct reading instruction strategies, dyslexia, and the English language seminar by Dr. Louisa Moats
 Collaborates with staff in the design of a plan that correlates with the Iowa Professional Development Model.

2g. Uses current research and theory about effective schools and leadership to develop and revise his/her professional growth plan.

 Stays informed about current research and theory regarding effective schooling and quality instructional programs.

 Builds professional growth plan based on school district needs, the school improvement plan, and data on student performance.

2h. Promotes collaboration with all stakeholders.

 Ensures that a variety of stakeholders are meaningfully involved in accomplishing the mission of the school.
 Provides time and opportunities for collaboration.
All staff professional development session at Scott County Park focused on school culture & PBIS
 Provides meaningful opportunities for students to be engaged in school.
 Fosters a culture in which teachers collaboratively engage, on a routine basis, on the shared work of improving the instructional program.
Bi-weekly Math PLCs with AEA math consultant, CPD, and NA TLC coaches
2i. Is easily accessible and approachable to all stakeholders.

 Develops effective means for stakeholders to communicate with administrator.

2j. Is highly visible and engaged in the school community.

 Makes systematic and frequent visits to classrooms, student areas, and activities.
 Interacts with students, parents, and staff in ways that enhance their support for the school.

Welcome Back by Principal at Ice Cream Social
2k. Articulates the desired school culture and shows evidence about how it is reinforced.

 Develops a shared vision of the school culture.
Building developed School Improvement Plan

 Collects, shares and analyzes data regarding school cultures.


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